Sussex World 19th April 2022
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Press Release
“Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells” Boycotts Russia Microlight Flight
Aspiring pilot Graham Naismith (50) from Tunbridge Wells, Kent and his instructor Luke Christophides (36) from Lewes, East Sussex who met at Flight Sport Aviation near Lewes, East Sussex have abandoned plans to fly to Ukraine and Russia in their two-seater, Ukrainian produced, Skyranger Nynja microlight aircraft next month.
The war in Ukraine has forced them to rethink their plans and they have now decided to avoid Ukraine, Belarus and boycott Russia. Their 8,000+ mile flight will be going through 25 countries over 35 days leaving on 20th April 2022 from Kittyhawk Aerodrome in East Sussex.
They are raising money for YoungMinds, a UK based suicide prevention charity for young people, but have now, because of the events in eastern Europe, also decided to raise money for the International Red Cross Ukraine Appeal. They are off setting their carbon footprint with Ecologi
Their website name, www.35-70.co.uk, is derived from their route spanning 35 degrees of latitude (Greece) to 70 degrees of latitude (into the Arctic circle in Norway).
Graham Naismith is a 51 year old IT consultant (married with 3 children) who previously published a book about his overland trip to Australia with his young family aged 1,4 and 6 (www.drive-to-oz.com) and unsuccessfully stood for Parliament in the 2016 general elections (http://www.grahamnaismithmp.co.uk/) . Previous family holidays have included Syria during the “Arab Spring”, North Korea and Centerparcs.
Luke Christophides, 36 (married with no children), is a professional flying instructor and drummer.
Contact Details
Graham Naismith
Luke Christophides
Website: www.35-70.co.uk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@35_degrees
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/3570degrees/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/3570degrees
Off Setting Carbon Footprint: https://ecologi.com/
Kittyhawk Aerodrome: https://kittyhawk.farm/
Flight Sport Aviation https://flightsportaviation.com/
Official Sponsors: Flight Sport Aviation https://flightsportaviation.com/ & Sky Demon https://www.skydemon.aero/
Donations Red Cross Ukraine Appeal: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/35-70-redcrossukraine
Donations YoungMinds Mental Health: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/35-70
Flight support during trip: Shameen.koleejan@gmail.com